Day 6: Fun with Paragraphs

As we work on drafting essays, we’re also developing our basic writing skills, so here are some paragraphing tips to make this more explicit. Dunleavy’s Medium article explains aspects of organizing paragraphs as well. The…

Day 6: Professionalizing Your Digital Identity

As you begin and progress through your college career, you should start professionalizing your digital presence if you haven’t already. This might include starting a personal/professional Twitter account; locking down some of your more personal…

Day 6: Grammar Resources

Our course doesn’t focus heavily on grammar and mechanics, but it’s an important part of writing, particularly at the lower-order concerns (LOC) stage of revision. Here are some resources to help you sort through grammatical…

Day 5: REM Cycles and Sleep Apps

The first piece of advice today is don’t pull all-nighters. Seriously. Don’t do it. I’ve done it, and 0/10 would not recommend. Your brain will not recover from the impact of sleep deficit, and there…